Bou en Suus op reis


Suus met Jane



Mathias, Bavaria

Hi Bou and Suus!

Thanks for the last few pics of your great trip!!
What a wonderful finish in Bali...
My gratulations for your Yo-expedition -- and everything was ok, no big troubbles, no terrible accident, no ugly disaese... no , all the time good impressions. great adventures and (as the pics tell us) a lot of fun !!
When does the cold shower start? When do you begin working again??
Don't worry - only the first few weeks are very strange ;-)
I wish you good vibrations back home and I expect you in Germany sometimes...
In June I go 2 weeks to Greece with my son, on the way back we visit the big globedriver-meeting near Wasserburg in Bavaria on June 11. - 14.

All the best for you!


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